To ensure the process of the competition, the Statutory City of Brno as the contracting authority has to nominate a jury composed both from qualified experts in the field of the subject of the competition (independent members) and representatives of the contracting authority, future users, representatives of local authorities (dependent members).
How does the competition work?
The first phase of the whole process consists in approving the intention to implement the work (reminder of an important personality, event, etc.) and a suitable location for its situation. The initiative usually comes from the professional or lay public, an institution or political representation. Subsequently, the competition conditions are processed and must be discussed at the constitutive meeting of the jury, approved by the Czech Chamber of Architects, approved by the Brno City Council and published according to the law in the Electronic Tool for Public Procurement Management (eZAK) and on the official board of the City of Brno.
After the deadline of the term of call for a proposal, the meeting of the jury takes place. The jury, composed from independent experts and political representatives, will assess and evaluate the submitted proposals that have met the competition conditions and determine their order. The result is then submitted to the Brno City Council for approval. The Statutory City of Brno, as the contracting authority, reserves the right to use none of proposals for implementation. Proposals of all participating authors are subsequently introduced to the public through an exhibition.
After the time given to the author for the implementation, the ceremonial unveiling of the work of art and its handing over to the public takes place.